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Seven Deadly Sins 25

Seven Deadly Sins Cosplay Costumes

Seven Deadly Sins is one of Japan’s famous shounen manga/anime that features a bunch of unique characters, all having unique characters and otherworldly powers that make watching or reading the show worth your while. Currently, the anime is in its final season and fans have been hyped up for the epic end of this wonderful anime.

The story is centered on the Seven Deadly Sins, the strongest group of knights in the Holy Kingdom of Britannia, as they combat both demonic and angelic forces alike that are threatening to disturb the peace and harmony in the world. Each character has their own unique costume and as the story progresses, they obtain new looks as a refresher to their characters.

The main male protagonist, Meliodas, wears a bartender outfit with a sword and a dragon-shaped hilt on his back. Elizabeth, the main female protagonist, wears a pink bar server outfit with a purple skirt and a single black stocking on her left leg. Diane, one of the Seven, wears a one-piece orange dress with boots and a blue arm guard on her left hand. King, the fairy and one of the Seven, wears a hooded, green, and orange jacket with blue sleeves and blue pants and he is always seen with a green pillow. Ban the Immortal wears a reddish-purple latex jacket and pants, but he can be cosplayed topless with just the latex pants.

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